The Beginners Guide to Meditation

I am one of those people that used to say, “meditation isn’t for me”

Being “stressed out” used to be a way of life for me…it still is at times. I really didnt give it much thought back then. I would drive home and not remember the drive, or put something down and not remember where I put it. There was a day I came home and somehow put my phone in the freezer!!!

Things can change. You can start to remember more of what your were doing. You can become that calm presence that you see in others. But the biggest benefit is your blood pressure can become lower, your cortisol levels will become lower which decreases the weight that we gain in the mid section of our bodies, and many more health benefits.

Luckly one instructor gave me a book that had simple ways to be more present. One example was sitting at a red light. Think of how red the light is, what sounds do you hear (if you listen to your music as loud as I do, just listen to the different instruments), how does your body feel (is your wallet causing one hip to be higher, do your feet hurt, can you fix your posture, is the air cool, or do you feel a breeze), what are the color of the cars around you…in the middle of this, dont forget that you are waiting for the green light!!! Figure out something you do in your day that you could bring in all of your senses, think of how your body feels from your toes all the way to your head, what are the different colors, smells…dont go tasting random things but when you eat think of all the different flavors that are passing each part of your tongue (did you know that different areas of the tongue and specialized for different taste?).

Good luck with your new practice of meditation, you deserve it.

I don’t remember the saying word for word at times but I tell my self… if you are thinking of the past it makes you sad, thinking too much into the future makes you anxious but living in the present brings peace and happiness (Lao Tzu)


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