Find out if acupuncture can meet your needs.

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What are you looking for?

Physical, hormonal, immune, emotional support?


Personalized suggestions.

Traditional Chinese Medicine takes a look at the whole person, not just the western medicine diagnosed symptoms.


Pick the right therapy.

Schedule a consultation with me to see if acupuncture is right for you.

I will explain everything, and please, ask questions. I love helping those new to acupuncture.


Is acupuncture painful?

- Most of my patients report not feeling the needles going in. Once the needle is in, a dull ache is a good feeling, it means that the body is responding to the needle. There are times when needles do hurt or feel sharp but its usually for a couple seconds, and I always tell my patients to let me know if they feel that and I will work to make sure that the sharpness goes away or I will pull the needle out immediately. I never want my patients to be in pain.

How long do the needles stay in?

-On a typical visit the needles would stay in 20-30 minutes. There are times that they would be put in and taken out quickly.

How many visits will I need?

-Each person is different, and each ailment is different. Some people will only need a couple visits, and I will only see them a couple times a year after that. On the other hand some people will need to come in twice a week, for a couple weeks and then get to maintenance visits of once a month or every three months. This all depends on the persons body, how well they take care of themselves after the visit, and if things change with them or their lifestyle. If I see a patient and feel that acupuncture is not a good fit, I will refer them out, and if I have taken a patent on and we are not making progress, I will do the same and refer them to someone who may be able to help them better.

Let us help you find care that's right for you.