Exercises To Calm Your Anxious Thoughts

Find what brings you joy

I don’t do well in a gym, many people do. We are all so different so as we navigate life, we just have to learn ourselves and do what makes us happy.

There was a point where I was 70 lbs overweight (according to military standards). But I didn’t like exercise, mainly because my knees were destroyed in the Army. Fortunately, I got lucky and had a good friend invite me to go skate with her. I laughed and said no way could I do that but after her giving me a push or two I gave it a try. I fell…a lot. But what I noticed was that I had a great time!!! I had a great time falling down!!!! Just kidding, it was the people, and we laughed a ton but most importantly, I didn’t even notice that I was exercising!!!

So, go out there and find the thing that you can sweat to! You’ve got this!!

Shhhh, let me tell you a secret, stretching is also exercising…


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